Thursday, 4 June 2015

New Shoes!

New shoes were purchased today although not for me. The kids needed new shoes to get ready for the summer. Here in Canada kids have two pairs of shoes for school - an inside pair and an outside pair. In the winter the outside shoes are usually snow boots but at other times their outside shoes are just regular shoes. Having an inside pair of shoes prevents the kids from tracking all sorts of stuff into the classrooms.

J has just about worn out his outside school shoes. They have a hole in the side and he's just about worn through the heels to the soles. I took him to get a new pair of shoes to close out the school year.

The new shoes are lightweight and should hopefully last through the summer. We'll get him a couple new pairs of shoes in late August for school. His current inside shoes will become his "nice" shoes for over the summer since he amazingly kept them in good condition all year.

S also got a new pair of shoes. She requested shoes with laces instead of Velcro because she taught herself to tie shoes and has been practicing it at school. I expected her to pick the shoes with sparkles and glitter on them but instead she picked a rather simple pair (which were more expensive of course!)

She's very excited about wearing her new tie shoes to school tomorrow. I also had both kids try on their summer shoes. I was surprised to find that S's sandals, both her closed toe and open toe ones, still fit her. Of course J's sandals don't fit so I'll have to get him a new pair of those. I'll do that in another week or so.

In the knitting world, I finished a pair of gloves the other day because you know, winter is coming. I almost had to wear them yesterday since it was 8C/46F. On June 3rd. Yeah. Welcome to Canada. Anyway, here they are:

I'm not sure I like the buttons; they are pink the gloves are more a purple colour. I just placed them in the correct position for the picture. I'm thinking I may stop by the fabric store tomorrow when I'm out and pick up some different buttons. Who knows, I may still end up with the pink ones.

I've started two other projects in the mean time. One is a cool shawl made of a raw silk in a pink colour and the other is a long cowl. For the cowl I'm using my Sip-n-Stitch yarn, which is a bamboo wool blend. I'll take some in-progress pictures tomorrow since I just started the cowl and it doesn't look like much yet. I'll work on it tonight while we're watching Marco Polo unless we get our new fire pit going and sit out there for a while.

Today has been much nicer than yesterday. It was warmer and the sun was out which was a nice change from the cold, dampness of the past few days. J decided he wanted to ride his bike to school today so we let him. He met up with a couple of friends and they made their way safely to school and back home. He was tired when he got home but he had a good time riding his bike and plans to do it again tomorrow.

Tomorrow is suppose to be another nice day. I have some cookies to bake in the morning for the kids' Spring Carnival at school. After I deliver them I may have to go down to the RibFest they are having at the racetrack or else head out to the beach to our favourite seafood shack. If I don't make it out there tomorrow I will definitely get out there this weekend. I can't wait for one one their lobster rolls!

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