Friday, 12 June 2015

Thursday/Friday Recap

Yesterday was...interesting and not completely in a good way. It started out with me helping S put on a sweater and the muscles across the middle of my back seizing up. It made moving rather tough. I loaded up with pain relief and a very hot shower and it helped to loosen them up enough that I could move without wincing in pain.

I had my dentist appointment yesterday. It started out with a check-up and I got a good report! My gums around where the cursed tooth was have healed up nicely and my over-all mouth health was good. She did some scraping because I swear that even if you have the most plaque free mouth in the world they still have to do some scraping to make you feel like they are doing their job. :-) My appointment was scheduled for 90 minutes but it only ended up taking 45 minutes, so yay me!

Of course my appointment to get my night splint fitted didn't start for another 45 minutes so I plopped down in the waiting room with my book. But my dentist is awesome (I never thought I'd say that!) and he squeezed me in between two patients. I was altogether finished about the time I was suppose to be getting started.

The night splint is...interesting. It will definitely take some getting used to. I didn't sleep well last night, probably because every time I rolled over my back would hurt and it would wake me up. Then I'd be aware of the splint and it would feel weird again until I fell back to sleep. I think tonight I will take something to help me sleep because I really need a good night's sleep!

Today I ran some errands and then met C downtown for lunch. I did a lot of walking downtown today and it seems to have helped my back loosen up more. I am almost back to moving normally. I will just need to keep getting up and moving around tonight before I go to bed to keep it loose.

When the kids came home they went out to play with their friends. J got invited to spend the night at a friend's house tonight. I think he will have a good time. We'll see if the boys get any sleep tonight. We don't have anything on the schedule tomorrow so J will be able to take a nap tomorrow if he needs to.

Yesterday I finished one of my knitting projects. I finished the Song of the Seas cowl. I took a picture although it still needs to be blocked.

I was winding up some yarn for the shawl I'm working on and it was such a disaster today. What should have taken me maybe 5 minutes ended up taking me over an hour. The yarn was so tangled that I had to wind it by hand to get all the tangles out. Then once I finally got the tangles out and started to wind it up it got tangled again! I got to the point where I just cut the yarn and made two balls instead of one because it was such a disaster. The yarn is silk but it doesn't have a smooth finish so it tends to halo as you're working with it. Those halos seem to catch on each other and for tangles. I finally got it done though. After I was done with that yarn I wound up some other yarn for a new project. Lucky for everyone that yarn wound up perfectly.

Shellac nails update: Today is day 3 with my shellac nails and so far, so good. By this point with normal nail polish I'm usually starting to see some chipping but I haven't so far. The only place I'm seeing any trouble is on a nail that had started to split in a way that my nail tech couldn't fix it. She buffed it down and the shellac has been acting pretty good as a patch. Today I did catch my hair in that spot  and it has started to crack but it's because of the split, not because of the shellac. The first day I was trying to be careful but by today I was doing things like I normally would if my nails weren't painted. Here's how they look today and vs Wednesday (for comparison). So far I'm happy with them. We'll see how they continue to do!

Wednesday Nails
Friday nails

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