That's how I often feel on Thursdays. I can totally sympathize with Arthur Dent and how he feels about Thursdays. It's such a blah day of the week. When you look at all the days, Thursday comes out last on the list. Don't believe me? Let's see:
Friday - the last day of the work week for a lot people, which is good
Saturday - weekend - woohoo!
Sunday - still weekend, although not as good as Saturday because well, tomorrow is Monday
Monday - some people would say this is the worst day of the week, but as a SAHM, Mondays are nice. The kids are off to school so there is a break from all of the crazy weekend activities. Although Mondays are a bit crazy since J's hockey practice at the same time S's soccer practice starts but we have a system down now so it's all good.
Tuesday - an okay day. By Tuesday people are getting back into their work groove, kids are in their school groove, and I'm in my SAHM groove of doing laundry.
Wednesday - The middle of the week. We made it this far and the end of the week is only two days away. But before we can get to Friday we have to get to...
Thursday (dun-dun-dunnnnnn) - That's where we are today. By Thursday I'm tired of getting up at 6:15 every morning to get the kids ready for school. I have to pack two lunches on Thursdays instead of one since neither child buys a lunch that day. I usually have to go to the grocery store on Thursdays to get ready for the weekend.By Thursday I'm tired of cooking but not feeling like going out to eat either (we're ordering pizza tonight). Last Thursday I found out that all the Targets in Canada are closing, which sucked (Target was like a little piece of the DC area up here for me and I love shopping there). I made a cup of tea to drink while I sulked and promptly spilled it down the front of my shirt. Luckily the stain came out but it still made me grumpy. I even think it was a Thursday when I broke my toe last year (okay, it probably wasn't but I can blame it on Thursday).
My kids and hubby have just about gotten over their colds. I can tell my body has been fighting getting sick for the last few weeks. I woke up today, a Thursday, and could feel the pressure building in my ears and head, which triggered my vertigo problems. So I've been quite dizzy today. On a Thursday. See what I mean?
I had planned to do more writing today but with my head feeling like someone is squeezing it while I'm on a tilt-a-whirl, I decided to just rest and wait for Friday. Friday is a much better day of the week. I'm sure Arthur Dent would agree with me. :-)
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