Friday, 9 January 2015

Kilynn's story, part 2

I hadn't planned on working on Kilynn's story today but as I sat down at the computer it just started to come out. Seems she wants everyone to know if she makes it to safety or not...shall we find out?

Pacing back and forth in front of the gate, Kilynn sensed, more than heard, movement behind her. She glanced across the empty plain at the trees and the mountains beyond. The trees had begun to shake and a deep rumble vibrated the ground. The Hunt was on the move. Looking up at the top of the wall she could see the guard lights being extinguished one by one.  Riding along the base of the wall, she screamed as loud as she could.

Suddenly a familiar face popped over the edge, followed by a second one. Tears of joy streamed down her face, blurring the sight of her brothers Teryl and Heryld above her. A long rope ladder slapped into the stone wall next to her head. Kilynn grabbed the rope and began climbing as fast as she could while her brothers dragged the ladder upwards. She felt her horse take off running as soon as she had cleared the saddle. She spared a second to hope the poor animal would find safety from the coming danger.

Above her, Kilynn’s brothers were yelling at her to move faster. Time seemed to stand still as she climbed while her brothers pulled. Suddenly they pulled her over the top of the wall, sending her tumbling onto the wooden platform with a thump. Heryld hauled her to her feet and they took off running into the guard’s watchtower, Teryl slamming the door shut behind them. A single torch burned in a holder, revealing an open trapdoor in the floor. Heryld pushed her towards the trapdoor, nearly sending her falling down the steep stairs. She grabbed the torch Teryl had removed from the wall then began the mad dash down the stairs to safety. Behind her, she heard the trapdoor slam shut and the locking bolt slide home. Two sets of footsteps echoed behind her as she ran down, growing dizzy with the twisting nature of the stairs.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Kilynn stupidly stopped moving. Herry slammed into her, sending her crashing to the floor and her torch flying into the darkened room in front of them. Ryl came flying around the last turned and tripped over his siblings. 

“Dammit, Herry! Get up and drag that sister of ours with you,” Ryl grumbled as he struggled to his feet. A guard waiting at the door grabbed Ryl’s arm and dragged him inside. Another guard grabbed Herry and pulled both him and Kilynn into the room, throwing them into a corner with their brother. Behind her Kilynn heard the door slam shut, the torch sputtered out, and the room was plunged into silent darkness.

That's all for today. The story train jumped the tracks with having to go to the bus stop and a lost child ending up at our house. I do have a good idea of what will happen next, I just need to get a chance to get it out of my head and into print. Until I can do that, I hope Kilynn's brothers aren't too angry with her...

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