Saturday, 17 January 2015

Brrr It's Cold!

Today was a very cold day. When I woke up this morning it was -5F with a wind chill of something like -20F. And I when I looked outside at that time, there was a runner, wearing just running pants, a fleecie, hat, and mitts running down the street. I'm sorry, but sometimes I have to think runners are just plain crazy. She definitely is made of tougher stuff than me to be out running in that cold.

Apparently my son is made of tougher stuff than I am too because he went over to a friend's house and skated on their outdoor rink. The other boy's mom made them take warming breaks but still. It was like 0F when they were skating. They had a lot of fun skating and hanging out.

I stayed inside today. It is just too damn cold out for me. Instead, I curled up and finished reading Outlander. It was really good! I would have finished it last night but I got to the point where I was reading the same sentence over and over and nothing made sense. I went ahead and downloaded the second book as well as The Atlantis Gene. I haven't started either one yet since I can't decide which to read although I am leaning towards the latter.

I also finally finished J's massive MegaBloks Halo set. Here it is all finished:

I have to say, quality control on MegaBloks is lacking. They didn't give me enough of some pieces and too many of other pieces. Some pieces were damn near impossible to snap together while others won't "stick". And we managed to lose the other red wing stud in the picture, so it only has one wing light. If it bother's J he can raid his Lego stash and find a clear red stud and stick it on there. But based on the explosions and battle noises coming from his room, I don't think he minds.

I also helped S build some things with her Roominate set. If you haven't seen Roominate before, it's pretty cool. Their website is Roominate. The concept is pretty cool - kind of free form dollhouse building. So far I've been doing most of the building, but I make sure S is watching so she knows how to build for next time. She has the Chateau set and it's a big enough set to let her build lots of things.

Tonight I plan to curl up on the couch and watch some hockey and work on one of my two knitting projects. My newest friend moved into the neighbourhood at the beginning of the school year. They are still unpacking, so she hasn't found her hats and mitts yet (silly!). So I decided to make her a hat. It's a simple diagonal rib pattern and it going very quickly. I'd like to have it done for her by Monday, so I'll probably work on that tonight. I'm also working on a very wide, very long scarf for me. The name of the pattern is the Bay of Fundy, which is what caught my eye in the first place. The Bay of Fundy is not too far from where I live. Hopefully this summer we'll get a chance to explore it more.

 All in all, it's been a fairly quiet day with me cowering inside from the cold. At least tomorrow it will be warmer!

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