Saturday, 21 February 2015

An Exciting Saturday Night

It is Saturday night and I'm sitting at my computer. Yes, my life is that exciting. :-) Well, it could have been an exciting Saturday night but I decided helping to keep track of J's hockey team at a professional hockey game was a bit more than I was up to tonight. C got that job while I got to hang out with S. I just put her to bed, so the house is quiet for the moment. I shall enjoy it.

Normally I am up for watching a hockey game, but tonight I am glad to be home. It was a usual busy day. S was supposed to go to swimming but she seems to have lost interest in it and as I was having some bad vertigo spells this morning, I decided not to press the issue. Instead we all went to J's hockey practice. His practice was originally scheduled for 6 AM Sunday but it was rescheduled to today, not at 6 AM. Some of the local professional hockey players came out on the ice with J's team during practice, which I thought was really cool. The kids seemed excited to have the pros with them. I should clarify that these pros are in the major junior level - they are between 16 and 20 years of age (I think). But to 9 and 10 year olds who dream of being in the NHL one day, it is exciting to be on the ice with these guys.

After hockey we went out to lunch. I think it was the first time I went out to eat all week with the weather the way it has been and my lack of car most days. We went to one of our usual spots and had a good meal. S made a great picture of a tiger on the back of her kid's menu and wrote 'Thank you' on it for the server, which I thought was cute. The kids love to bring home their menus and then we end up with a big pile of them which then just gets tossed out. We decided writing a thank you note on them is a better way to use them. Hopefully our server enjoyed the picture.

Once we were home, we got to work on clearing snow. There is a chance of rain tomorrow and with all the snow we have, it's going to be a big wet sloppy mess. We have some drainage issues on the north side of the house, so we did our best to clear away a bunch of snow and then C put out sandbags to try to keep water out of the garage. We did the best we could so now we just need to wait and hope the sandbags work.

I probably shouldn't have been out shoveling with the way I've been feeling but I'm tired of feeling helpless because of being sick. I did what I could to help shovel - not as much as I could if I was healthy, but hey, every bit helps, right? After that I hung out with the neighbours while the kids played. I was outside for a long time and apparently my snow boots are not as insulated as I thought. By the time I came back in my toes felt frozen, even with toe warmers in them. I guess I'll be heading out for some new boots on Monday while the kids are in school. (I keep saying that because positive thinking!). 

Although it took forever, I have finally warmed up. My toes feel like toes again and I don't shiver every time I crawl out from under my blanket. S is tucked into bed and finally asleep and the boys aren't home yet. I think I will see what's on TV and work on my knitting and possibly jot down some notes for Monday's story writing session. Yes, I am planning on working on my story because the kids WILL be in school. Please, send positive thoughts this way that my kids WILL be in school Monday. Because if they aren't, the men in the nice white coats may be coming to take me away...

That's my exciting Saturday night. Hope yours is fun too. :-)

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