Thursday, 5 February 2015

Lego Day

Today marks one month of my daily blog! I started on January 5 and now it is February 5. I'm hoping I can keep going to make it to March 5. Go me!

Today is a storm day, although I'm still trying to figure out why. It was snowing some this morning but the roads have been worse and it stopped snowing for quite a while. It rained for a bit which caused garage flooding (an on-going problem) and now it's snowing again but it's big wet flakes. The kids would be getting home from school about now normally and the roads are fine. Considering they've only been to school 4 days in the past two weeks I think they should have gone today.

But since I don't make that decision, I had the kids home with me. They were leaving each other alone for a change so I decided to work on the Lego set J got me for Christmas. I thought about writing but I knew as soon as I started they would start fighting and the Lego set has been sitting there awhile. It is The Hobbit Lake-town Chase set. This made J want to put together his MineCraft set from Christmas so I took one side of the dining room table and he took the other. S wanted to put something together too but she had already done all her sets from Christmas. J found a monster truck set in his room that had most of its parts so she put that together.

Here's my finished set:

It is a cool set. It was complicated enough to keep me interested but not so complicated that I couldn't finish it in a few hours (I had to take breaks to feed the kids, help S with her set, etc). I have a feeling we'll have more Lego days if I can make it it to Target tomorrow (the hubby took my car today because it's 4WD) since Target has started it's liquidation sale and Lego sets are on sale. Excuse me while I am sad for a bit about Target closing here in Canada. :-(

Anyway, Lego time was fun. J actually built is set all by himself. He likes the Lego sets better than the MegaBloks sets because of the way Lego sorts things out into numbered bags for you. This also worked out well for me because it gave me a natural stopping point to do other things. I have a few sets still in bags from the move up here that need to be put back together. Maybe tomorrow I'll let S work on one - she loves building things and has a good eye for detecting what's different from one picture to another. Or maybe, if the weather cooperates, we'll hit up Target and see what they have left. I did buy some sets on clearance a few weeks ago but I want to save those for birthday presents for the kids.

After my set was done, I did spy J eyeing the figures that came with my set. He loves playing with the mini-figs and is always joking about stealing some of mine. I'll have to keep an eye on my sets to make sure none of my mini-figs disappear. :-)

So far it's been a good day. And now I shall go make it better by getting myself a cup of tea and reading through what I wrote yesterday. S went outside and J is playing video games so I might actually get some writing/revising done. Or maybe I'll just curl up with my tea and knit for a bit. Either way, there will be tea involved!

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