Once again I find myself sitting down to blog at S's bedtime. It was actually my night to put her to bed (C and I alternate nights) but he's taking J to a hockey game tomorrow night so I'll have bedtime duty tomorrow. And since I'm still snuffling and coughing, it is nice not to have to try to read a fairy book. In theory, S and I could go to the hockey game with the boys, but the last two times we've taken S to a hockey game the next morning she's woken up sick. C says it's just coincidence, but I don't know. She's just about better from being sick and I'd rather her not get sick again.
Today was a pretty boring day around here. The wind chill was crazy cold, and the snow we got last night was blowing all over creating white-out situations. The college and the university on the island closed early and the RCMP were closing roads all over because of white-out conditions. I'm glad I didn't have my car today. If I had, I would have been tempted to go out and getting caught in a white-out situation doesn't sound like fun.
The wind is still kicking up pretty bad. It keeps rattling the screen on our sliding door making me think someone is out there banging on the door. Part of me is afraid to peek out of the curtains because what if it isn't the wind...no, I haven't actually been watching horror movies lately. Maybe I should. :-)
What have I been watching lately? Today I was watching Heroes on Netflix. I realized a few months ago that I never finished watching that series, so I decided to go back and see what I missed. Not much so far. We have a bunch of stuff on the DVR to watch but most of the shows are things that C and I watch together so I didn't want to watch them during the day.
I just got J into bed so now it's time for grown-up TV - Vikings. Season 3 started last night. But since we're on Atlantic time it comes on late here. That happens with a lot of shows - we end up watching it the next night because staying up to midnight when I have to get up at 6:15 (usually) the next morning is hard for me. I'm not as young as I used to be. So I am off to work on my Snow Queen shawl - the first clue came out today! - and watch me some Vikings.
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