Today I had yet another dentist appointment. This one was to redo some fillings on the right side of my mouth that were showing wear. The dentist did check out the left side of my mouth where the Tooth of Doom had been. I am happy to report that he says it is healing nicely and that I don't have dry socket or any other problems with it. I was very relieved to hear that.
Amazingly, it only took one round of Novocaine to get me numb for the fillings. I don't know if he gave me a bigger dose this time or if waiting extra time did the trick, but I was good and numb. I tried to talk and I sounded so goofy because half my tongue was numb. Once he got started it didn't take long for him to do the work and it wasn't as stressful as the extraction. Of course half my mouth was numb for a good three hours afterwards which made doing things like eating impossible and drinking tricky. I felt like I should be wearing a bib although I didn't end up dribbling anything on myself.
It has been a gross day today. The weather has been cold, windy, and wet. I ran a few errands this morning and it was misty and when I took S to her Girl Scout meeting it was raining. On the way home from that it started to sleet and I saw a few snow flakes here and there. I miss the sun. It's suppose to come out this weekend.
Ah, dramatic 6 year olds. S had to go today and get a vaccination. C took her to it because I was busy as the dentist. The nurse (whom we know) gave her a tiny band-aid where she got the shot. Because she has a band-aid, it requires her to freak out at shower time and wail like a banshee. Seriously. Oh, and she has a band-aid on her ankle that she insisted she needed the other day because she scraped her ankle. There was no blood but she needed a band-aid. And because of these band-aids she thought that she couldn't take a shower. From the way she was wailing you'd think we were asking her to swim with sharks instead of just taking a shower. I think a certain little girl is tired. As soon as she's done and in her pj's it's off to bed for her!
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