Sunday, 26 April 2015

Sun Day

I wish the sun was shining today. I've seen it peek out for a few seconds and then disappear behind all the ominous gray clouds that have been hanging around all day. We've had some rain off and on today but not a stead rain. Of course, because this is Canada, the forecast for tonight includes 2 cm of snow, with a chance of rain or snow for the next few days. Yes, you read that correctly. Snow. At the end of April. The snow won't stick around if it does show up but still, snow.

So to brighten up my day, I am going to share a picture of the sun:

Okay, it's not really the sun but according to S it looks like the sun. That is my finished Solar Flare MKAL shawl. C took the picture for me this morning so I would have a good picture to post on Ravelry. So far I am the only one with a finished picture and tomorrow is suppose to be the final submission day but I have a feeling the designer will give everyone a few more days. I love how the colours in this look like the sun. It reminds me of a set of paintings I saw in an art auction that I really liked. If it wouldn't cost a ton of money, I would get this framed and hang it on the wall as a piece of art.

It does feel good to have it done. I have gotten back to work on my Outlander shawl. Amazingly I'm not behind on it. I was able to finish up clue 3 last night and start on clue 4 which just came out yesterday morning. I also wound up the yarn for a cowl using some Unique Sheep yarn that I have. The colour for that is called Carpe Diem and I'm sure I shared a picture before but here it is again:

I have to say, the yarn looks totally different all wound up into little cakes. My least favourite hank of yarn was skein 4 (3rd from the top) but when I wound them up, skein 4 ended up being one of my favourites. It's strange, I know. I am excited to see what it will look like all knit up. I'm trying to decide if I should start with the reds or with the bluish-green colour. Once I get it started I will add some in progress pictures.

S will be heading back to school tomorrow - and there was much rejoicing. She is all better now and hopefully her immune system has had time to recover and she will be able to resist getting sick again. She is excited to go back to school because she's missed her friends. It will be good for her to have some time away from me (and good for me too). I'm happy to have things back to normal for this week.

I wasn't going to add this but hey, why not? If you like my shawl and you're on Ravelry, go here and click the love button to vote for my shawl. You need to have a Ravelry account to go to view that link. If you do vote, thank you! I appreciate the support. :-)

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