Thursday, 16 April 2015

Thursday Round-up

Today is Thursday and we all know what that means - the new Star Wars trailer came out! So, if you haven't seen it what are you waiting for? Go watch this! R2-D2, Chewie, Han, Luke's voice. I am hopeful that this movie will be good because I grew up watching the good Star Wars movies and I so want this new one to be like those and not like the crap they made recently. We can hope, right?

In other news, J was home sick today. It seems that his sister has decided to share her cold with him...and me too. J had a grumpy day at home because he didn't feel well and he's on a video game break right now so he kept saying he had "nothing to do". Of course he has toys, books, drawing supplies, etc. But no, he had "nothing to do." I'm hoping he'll feel well enough to head to school tomorrow because another day of him home sick may end the video game break.

While J's cold seems to be in his throat, mine has settled into my nose. Lots of sneezing and snuffling for me today, which is soooo much fun (insert sarcastic voice here) with my healing gum. It seems to be healing from what I can tell. The gum itself doesn't hurt but that little area in the way back of your mouth where the top and bottom jaws come together, where they give you novocaine injections, hurts when my pain med wears off. I'm hoping that will be better tomorrow. Oh, and I thought it was awesome that the dentist's office called me today to just check up on me and make sure things were going okay. I really like this dentist and his staff, and I don't like dentists.

I was actually able to eat a regular meal this evening. No, no burgers yet, but I did eat chicken, broccoli, and noodles and with little to no pain. Of course I kept all my chewing to the non-hole-in-my-gum side of my mouth but I was able to eat which made me very happy. I will continue to avoid hard/sharp things for a while but I should be able to go back to eating fairly regularly, just with cutting things up for a bit. It makes it easier keep food on the right side of my mouth.

Yesterday evening before bed S announced to me that she wanted to get her ears pierced. Now, she and I had discussed that topic many times and she had always said no. Last night was totally unprompted by me so I said sure we could do it today. I reminded her this morning that when she got home we'd go do it and she said okay. When she got off the bus she didn't throw her usual want-to-go-over-to-someone's-house fit but hurried home to go get her ears done. We drove to the local mall and found the store that did ear piercing. S had some nervous tears which I think came from just not knowing how it was going to go but she never once said she didn't want to do it.

The very nice women at the store were wonderful with her. They got her calmed down and distracted her while they were getting ready to do it. Once they actually "pulled the trigger" there was about a minute of crying afterwards. Some cooling cleaning solution, a view of her new Rainbow Dash earrings, and two lollipops soon cleared up her tears. By the time we paid and walked out to the car she said her ears were feeling normal. Now we have 6-8 weeks of cleanings and earring turning before she is considered all healed. She is very excited to be the only girl in her class that has earrings.

Today was a big day for S. In addition to getting her ears pierced, S lost not one but two teeth today. She had two baby teeth that had become fused together at a very young age. We didn't even realize that they were loose until C was helping her brush her teeth this morning and out they popped (she has been slacking on the brushing because of loose teeth). So tonight she gets a visit from the Tooth Fairy and since technically she lost two teeth, she gets double the normal money. I'm thinking that the Tooth Fairy may have to leave her a note saying how fantastic her new earrings look in addition to the money. I think S would totally love that. :-)

I think now I have to go watch the Star Wars trailer again because it is awesome!

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