Guess what? I have a sick child. Again. S woke up crying this morning and I knew that wasn't a good sign. She only does that when she is sick. She woke up coughing, a runny/stuffy nose, a fever, and lovely red eyes again. C stayed home with her while I took my car to get the snow tires off (goodbye winter!). I've been home with her the rest of the day. Medicine brought her fever down but as soon as the medicine wears off it shoots back up. She will be going to the doctor again tomorrow. Hopefully they can tell us what is going on because she's been sick so much lately. I expected her to be sick this year with this being in a new school but this is getting ridiculous.
It has been a pretty unexciting day. S watched a lot of TV because we're trying to keep her resting although she did work on one of the craft projects she got for her birthday. I was able to get some time to work on my Solar Flare shawl. The edging is neat but the first part of it takes a while. The edging looks like flames and it's really cool but omg there are going to be about a bazillion ends to weave in when I'm done. Each wedge has 3 flames and there are 9 wedges. I have 2 wedges done so far but then I didn't really get much time yesterday or today to work on it. I'll get more done tomorrow because I only have one thing on the schedule during the day - getting S to the doctor.
We're currently under a rainfall warning which means we're going to get a lot of rain over the next 24 or so hours. This rain is going to melt the rest of the snow which is going to be bad. The ground is already saturated and with the amount of rain we're to get and the melting snow places are going to flood. Up until now the melting has gone very slowly so there hasn't been any danger of flooding until now. I've already checked the garage once and so far *fingers crossed* it is dry. C did a good job of digging out a channel down the side of the house to direct water away from the house and we still have the sandbags in place near the door so hopefully, hopefully we will avoid any problems.
I'm happy to say that I'm finally feeling better. Last night I was having bad coughing fits even though I had taken cough medicine. C pointed out that he had forgotten to turn the humidifier on in J's room and J wasn't coughing so I stole the humidifier out of his room. Within 5 minutes of turning it on my coughing settled down and I was able to get a good night's sleep. I think the sleep was a big factor in why I am feeling better today. I'm still snuffly at times and I've had a few coughing fits but at least I don't feel like a candidate for the Walking Dead anymore. I will use the humidifier again tonight so I can wake up completely better tomorrow.
My mouth is also feeling better. My gum feels like it's healed although I won't stop worrying about it until the dentist looks in there next week and gives me his opinion. I see him for fillings next week and I'm sure he'll give my gum a look-see. I am still getting use to the feeling of not having a tooth back there. The gum is still tender but I'm slowly starting to chew on that side but only with very soft things. I'm sure it will take a while before I can go back to chewing normally on that side.
J just got home from hockey and a sick, sleepy S soon needs to climb into bed so I shall wish you a good night!
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