Today was yet another beautiful day. When spring finally makes up its mind to arrive, the weather here is awesome. It was a little windy and cool but the sun was out (for the most part). We decided to take advantage of this beautiful weather and headed out for a hike at a pond we discovered over the winter. There's a trail, Peggy's Trail, that goes around Mooney's Pond which was our destination.
On the way to the pond, we saw this guy on the side of the road:
I tried to get a better picture of him but he kept scooting off as we drove closer to him. At least you can see that he is a pheasant. It was the first one I've seen on the island.
Once we reached the pond, we started exploring.
An old beaver dam that is now a fishing area |
We started out at what is called Anderson's Pool, which looks like it was once a beaver pond but is now a fishing area. There is a nice ramp and a fishing deck here to allow easy access to the water for everyone. We continued to follow the path to the main pond. Along the way I saw definite signs of spring...
Look! Leaves are coming out! |
When we arrived at Mooney's Pond, we found a very nice fishing dock. No one was fishing at the time but later we saw a few people giving it a go here.
Fishing dock at Mooney's Pond |
We started on a nice, fairly level gravel path that lead around the pond. There were a few bridges along the way. This was the view from one of the bridges:
There were also quite a few overlook/fishing docks along the path that provided nice views of the pond.
Look! There's no snow on the ground! Hiking through the woods is so much easier when the trail is free of snow.
A snow free path! |
There's a fungus among us! :-) |
As we walked along, there was a lot of Spanish moss all over the ground. S had picked some up to play with as she hiked. She decided that it looked like Big Foot's snot. Yup. Her story: Big Foot ate a moose and it made him catch a cold. So he sneezed snot all over the woods. Ooookay.
Big Foot snot...according to the 6 year old. |
There was a nice bridge at the far side of the pond. This is looking back up towards where the fishing dock is located. The view was really pretty.
We stopped at another overlook on our way back up to the start of the trail. J wasn't feeling his best today and decided to take a short nap on the overlook railing.
There's a story that goes with the next picture. In upstate NY where my in-laws live, there's a nice walking path that we like to take the kids on. Along the path there is an old tree that has been ravaged by woodpeckers. Every time we are on the path with my father-in-law he points out the "woodpecker tree". As we were hiking today I saw this tree and it made me think of the woodpecker tree in NY. So this picture is for my father-in-law and his favourite tree.
After hiking the entire trail we headed back to the car to get the fishing rods that we brought along. As we walked down the trail, I managed to snap this picture of cuteness. C was holding J's hand and it was adorable (at least to me it was).
C did some digging under some rocks and managed to find some worms for bait. He got the fishing poles set up for the kids and they gave it a go. J was trying very hard to wait patiently for something to nibble his hook.
S had a good time too. She kept hoping a fish would come nibble on her hook too but no luck!
I managed to get a picture of J casting. He only put it in the tree once so I think that's pretty good.
We didn't have any luck at this spot so we headed back up to the fishing dock at the main pond. Still no luck there! It was really windy at the pond and the current was strong. We'll try to find a better place to go fishing next time!
We came home after fishing and had some lunch and then some quiet time. Then we decided that today needed ice cream. So we headed down to a dairy bar. Hot fudge sundae - yum! This little guy decided he wanted to hang out near us. In the almost two years we've lived here I've only seen a handful of these cute little red squirrels.
We finished off the day with a yummy meal done on the grill. All in all it was a great day!