Sunday, 10 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

I want to wish all the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day! I hope you've had a good day!

My day started out with a tasty breakfast cooked by C. He cleaned up afterwards so that made it extra nice! Then I wanted to head out to see the bison at Buffaloland Provincial Park. So we loaded up the car and headed out for a 40 minute drive to the park.

When we got there we saw signs that the buffalo had been there recently - signs that made the kids giggle when they realized what was all over the ground. But we couldn't find the buffalo. We even trekked through some sloppy mud to see if they were in an upper pasture but no luck. We got back into the car and left. As we were driving down the road next to the park I thought I saw something big and brown in the woods at the bottom of the pasture. So we turned the car around and pulled into the parking area there. Sure enough, there were buffalo there, including a couple of little ones. C got a great picture:

I was teasing C about the picture because I swear that it looks like the one buffalo is giving him the stink-eye for taking the picture. The kids had a great time seeing real buffalo. Afterwards we stopped and had a treat at Tim Horton's. I tried their chocolate hazelnut donut - yummy!

This afternoon we went out for a late lunch/early supper at the local seafood restaurant. I had the seafood chowder (theirs is delicious) as well as a scallop burger. The scallops were small but very tasty. Afterwards we walked down to see the first cruise ship of the year:

It cruised out of port shortly after I took the picture. The kids were disappointed that although the cruise ships have started coming in, their favourite ice cream place isn't open yet. They can have an ice cream sandwich later. :-)

Since it's Sunday, the second clue for my Game of Thrones MKAL came out. The clue still has no indication of what our finished project will look like. It's a short clue and I had time to work on it between buffalo and supper so I'm almost done with it. I should be able to get it done before the show comes on tonight. Although GoT may have to wait until tomorrow night because the Caps play tonight and if they beat the Rangers they advance. I'd like to see that happen! It would be a great way to close out a very nice Mother's Day.

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