Thursday, 28 May 2015

Christmas in May!

I had intended to post a blog yesterday but I was really busy running around trying to get errands done. And then by the time I got a chance to sit down it was so beautiful outside the last thing I wanted to do was sit at my computer. This morning has been busy too with packing up for our hockey tournament this weekend. There will be no blog for the next few days since I'll be out of town and I don't want to drag my computer with me. But before I go, let me show you my Christmas in May that occurred yesterday. :-)

When I came back home from getting the oil changed in the car, I found two packages on the porch. One was the yarn for my Once and Future King MKAL. When I ordered the yarn I ordered an extra set of lace-weight yarn because I was having trouble deciding which colour to use plus I found a pattern I wanted to do that used lace-weight.

This is how the Raven and the Fox yarn turned out. It is a 30/70 blend of silk and wool and should knit up really nicely. It has a nice shine to it.

The other colour I chose is Coral and Cream and it is also a blend of silk and wool but it has a totally different look and feel since it is a 50/50 blend. It has a more matte finish to it.

Those two were in one box. In the other box was my first shipment for the Sip-n-Stitch club I joined. Every other month starting with May I will receive a specially dyed yarn, some kind of tea, and a little goody. This month the tea is Marrakesh Chai and it is delicious! The goody is an adorable mug with the Unique Sheep icon on it, and the yarn is Sushi Sock yarn, which is a blend of bamboo and wool. The colour of the yarn is listed as Marrakesh, to go along with the tea.

Also, yesterday the latest issue of Sandman came out (finally!) and I swung by the comic book store to pick it up. I was also looking for the next book in the series that my friend gave me for my birthday. They didn't have it in stock but the nice woman at the store helped me pick out a couple of things to keep me busy until I can find book 3.

And after I went to the comic book store I was able to walk down the street and join C for lunch. The weather was beautiful so we were able to eat outside. Add that to the yarn and the graphic novels and it felt like I was having Christmas in May with all the fun treats! Let's hope the rest of the weekend is the same way. ;-)

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