Saturday, 9 May 2015

Monster Trucks!

Sorry I missed posting yesterday but we took the kids to see monster trucks and we got back too late for me to write. The kids had a blast! I haven't seen monster trucks since I was a teenager and C had never seen monster trucks before. When I was a kid my dad's company used to give away tickets for things and he would get us tickets for monster trucks. One time we didn't know where our seats were going to be and ended up over the tunnel where the trucks would come in and out. We spent the whole time shaking from the engines because they were so loud. For this time we made sure that everyone, kids and adults, had proper ear protection. And it's good we did because monster trucks haven't gotten any quieter.

For this monster truck show, there were only four trucks - the arena is small. There were also stunt bikes and two quad bike racing teams. The bikes and quads were too quick to get photos of but I did get photos of the trucks. I apologize for the blurriness but it's hard to get clear pictures with a smartphone when the subject is flying through the air. :-)

There were three competitions - wheelies, racing, and then freestyle. I wasn't able to get freestyle pictures because they were driving too fast to get much more than a blur. But here's what I got!

First up was Black Stallion. His wheelie was good but not the best in my opinion. I caught the picture right as he was starting to go up.

Next up was Bounty Hunter. His wheelie was the best in my opinion and the crowd agreed with me (the winner was chosen by the crowd):

Third was Red Barron. He did well but he was only able to make one attempt because he broke something on his truck. He was able to fix it and compete later but he came in last because he only had one chance:

The last competitor was Overkill Evolution. He went last because he is currently a world champion for monster truck competitions:

This is what the cars looked like at the end of the wheelie competition. They were intact at the beginning. Not so much now!

The next competition was a race to see which truck could jump over the cars the fastest. I thought S's eyes were going to pop out of her head as she was watching all this. She admitted she was a little nervous watching these big trucks fly around.

There they are, lined up for their races. Bounty Hunter - the yellow one in the top picture - ended up winning the jumping race. This is what it looks like when two monster trucks fly through the air at the same time. You see what S's eyes were popping? J had a great time too - he hadn't seen anything like that before either.

I didn't take any pictures of the freestyle competition but it was pretty exciting. I don't remember them announcing a winner but if I had to choose, Bounty Hunter would have won that competition too. It was an exciting night. The kids were exhausted by the time we left and S crashed in the car on the way home. It was a fun but tiring night.

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