S has her special helper day on Friday and she wants to take a picture of her fish Bubbles. Here he is:
So far he's doing well - eating and swimming around. He seems to be adjusted to his new home.
Yesterday was the end of the contest for the Solar Flare shawl. I came in second place and that's fine with me. I know how it should have turned out and I had some bitter thoughts from time to time over this past week but now I've moved on. No sense in dwelling on it anymore.
I've been busy knitting other things now. I finished my Outlander shawl and should get around to blocking it tomorrow. I also completed the first clue for my Game of Thrones MKAL. I have no clue what we're making - the designer didn't tell us ahead of time and there are no clues in the pattern as to what we are making. It is a true mystery knit-along. A lot of people are speculating that it's a poncho or some sort of shoulder-covering cowl. I'm just going to keep knitting and find out. Here's what it looks like so far:
I've also been working on the Hobbit scarf. I finally finished chart 1! Of course after I had finished it and taken the pictures I noticed a mistake. Most people probably won't notice it so I'm not going to tear it out to fix it. I love how it's coming out and it feels good to actually make progress on it. Next up are the stone trolls and Rivendell.

I had started a long cowl with some Unique Sheep yarn I have but I just wasn't liking it so I frogged it tonight. I'll let the yarn rest for a few days while I figure out what I am actually going to use it for. I will go through my patterns and maybe poke around on Ravelry to see if there's something that catches my eye. I liked the pattern I was doing but it just didn't seem to be working well with the yarn and I couldn't figure out why. All I know is that I wasn't happy with it and I like the yarn too much to leave it in something I don't like.
Now I'm going to go eat half a chocolate muffin (they are big so half is plenty) and catch up on Gotham. We didn't watch it last night because we were busy watching the Caps beat up on the Rangers. Go Caps!
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