I will be going back in a few weeks to get a mani/pedi using shellac on my nails. I am very interested in seeing just how well the shellac holds up. I'm very hard on my nails - I can manage to chip long-wear nail polish in just days, including the new gel nail polish that is suppose to last 14 days. Last time I used it it lasted 3 days before it started chipping. I've heard good things about the shellac so we'll see.
Last week I went and had my hair coloured and trimmed and I forgot to share a picture of the new look. I went with a lighter base colour and added highlights. I'm always envious of my stylist because she can get my hair so straight. I can never reproduce it at home.
Today I had my first dentist appointment to start the night splint. Oh, what an experience that was. It's been years since I've had impressions done and they haven't improved it at all. The hygienist put the bottom stuff in and I immediately started to gag. It's that nasty oozy feeling that always does it. For the top she tried to make the stuff thicker so it wouldn't ooze as much but then she didn't get a good impression so she had to do it again. I did fine with the second top impression until it was time for her to remove it. Then I started gagging like crazy. I was a mess with my eyes watering and some drooling going on. At least I didn't throw up on her, although I will admit I was worried that I might. Everything after that was easy-peasy. In two weeks my splint should arrive and then I get to learn how to sleep with it in!
Tomorrow I get to take my car in for an oil change - wheee! It always seems to take longer than I think it should. I will make sure I take both my book and my knitting with me so I can keep myself occupied.
I finished my Game of Thrones Mystery KAL. It ended up being a turtlenecked shoulder warmer which is cool except for the fact that I ran out of yarn before I finished it. I still had 3 rows to go when I realized I would only have enough yarn to bind off. I double checked my gauge and it was correct so either I did something wrong or they shorted me on yarn. I have been reading comments on Ravelry and I'm not the only one who ran out of yarn. It's frustrating to buy a kit for a project like this and think you'll get enough yarn in the kit. I'm curious to see what the designer has to say about it.
Here's what it looks like off and on:
I'm still waiting for my Once and Future King yarn to arrive. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow!
What a busy day for you, as you pampered and spoiled yourself. Hahaha! It seems that you are really taking care of yourself from top to toe. Your pedi is good, and I am looking forward for your night splinters aka braces. Hahaha! I hope your dental appointment turned out great. Thanks for sharing that, Jennifer! All the best to you!
ReplyDeleteJustene Doan @ A Plus Family Dentistry