Monday, 2 March 2015

Kilynn, part 12

I didn't get any writing done today - Mondays are always busy and I'm still struggling with this blasted cough I have. S and I did skip soccer today because she came home with a scratchy voice and a cough. I figured it was better to let her rest than send her out to run for an hour. She had fun using watercolours and writing stories. It seems that S, at just shy of 6 years old, is a budding author. She wrote and illustrated a book today about a trip to the aquarium. I'll have to take pictures of it and share it because she was very proud of it. She loves writing little stories and adding pictures to them. Like mother, like daughter, eh? I'll need to get her some more loose paper and a stapler to make more books.

Because I had a couple of awesome writing sessions last week I have some more of my story to share with you today. Kilynn and her brothers were discussing things with their grandmother, Helene, about how to rescue their mother.

Kilynn, Part 12

“How are we going to rescue her, Grandmother? How are we even going to get there? From what you told us before, sailing there would be a very long journey. I don’t want Mother to have to wait for months, possibly years, for us to rescue her.” Ryl looked up at his grandmother, wondering what she had planned for them.

“No, you won’t be sailing to Tyrconia.” At her grandchildren’s puzzled looks she explained, “That is the name of the island my mother is from. You are correct, Ryl. It would take too long to sail there and the waters off the island are treacherous. No, you will get there by going through The Hunt’s tunnel.”

At this the three children gasped in astonishment.

“But Grandmother, how? Are we going to let ourselves be taken prisoner in hopes that we can escape and then rescue Mother? I know Herry and I have had some training as soldiers, but not enough to defeat The Hunt!” Ryl’s voice had begun to take on the angry tone Kilynn recognized as his way of hiding his fear. Helene reached out and patted the boy’s arm.

“No, Teryl. I don’t want you to be taken prisoner. That wouldn't do anyone any good. Do you remember the story I told you last night, about how Captain Willam, Larya, and Mikeal made it through the tunnel but the Lady Syranne did not?” The children nodded but kept quiet, allowing their grandmother to speak uninterrupted.

“From the time he arrived in this land through the tunnel, Mikeal began planning a way to get back to Tyrconia to rescue his beloved Syranne. My mother tried month after month on the night of the new moon to reopen the tunnel so that Mikeal could go back to the island. But month after month she failed for her abilities were gone. But then one night, the tunnel opened from the island side – Dyani had obtained the spell from Syranne and came searching for my mother. After this happened three months in a row, Mikeal had his plan ready.

“Mikeal hid in the trees near where the tunnel opened every month. As soon as The Hunt exited the tunnel, Mikeal ran through it back to the island. He had made many friends in his time on Tyrconia and these friends were willing to hide him from Dyani and her forces. He learned from his friends that Dyani hadn’t killed Syranne but still held her prisoner. Mikeal, with the help of some of his friends who had become guards for Dyani so they could act as spies, managed to sneak into the castle’s dungeon and free Syranne.

“The lovers were well hidden by loyal friends and on the next new moon, tried hard to get them back through the tunnel to our land here. But a large troop of Hunters guarded the tunnel, making it impossible for Mikeal and Syranne to enter. Disguising themselves, they fled to a small town on the far side of the island. They married and had many children, all who were raised to by loyal to my mother’s bloodline. When the children were old enough, they were sent back to the capital city where they became members of The Hunt, able to help pass messages between their parents and my parents.

“One of Mikeal and Syranne’s children would always come to visit my parents when The Hunt would be running through the land. They would bring news of the happenings of the island and messages of support from islanders who missed my mother and her kind ways. As a child, I paid no attention to these visits. But when I was around 15 years old, Syranne’s youngest child, Connyr, came to visit. We immediately took a liking to each other. Every month after that, Con would be the one to come visit. Even though our visits were only minutes long, I grew to love him.

“After months of his visits, I professed my love and was excited when he said he felt the same. In those few stolen minutes we began to plan how we might be together. I wanted him to leave The Hunt and come live with us in this land but his loyalty to his parents was strong and he wanted me to come to Tyrconia. I knew this would be too dangerous since I was the heir to the throne. In the end, we realized it would never work out for us. On his last visit, Con left me with a special gem that I could use to talk to him if I should ever be in danger.

“It has been many years since I have spoken to any of Mikeal and Syranne’s family but I have always held on to the gem Con gave me all those years. Last night after your mother was taken, I pulled out that gem and used it to call to my old love and amazingly he answered. He is still alive although now it is his grandchildren who are members of The Hunt. Con said they have been raised to be loyal to my bloodline and that he would contact them. I have hope that with Con’s help we will be able to rescue your mother.”

Helene stopped speaking and stared off into the woods. Kilynn had heard the sadness creeping into her grandmother’s voice as she spoke of her lost love. Kilynn thought she saw a tear or two sparkling in her grandmother’s eyes and she looked away. Her brothers, feeling a bit uncomfortable, jumped up. Herry hurried off to fetch a drink of water from the pond while Ryl filled a plate with food and handed it to his grandmother. Kilynn started to scoot away from her grandmother but a quick arm around her kept her in place.

“Ah, stay by me, little cat. Soon I will have to send you back to your father, but for now I want you here by me.” Kilynn moved back next to her grandmother while Helene nibbled on the food Ryl had brought her. When she was done, she spoke to the children.

“We must wait to hear from Con before we know when you will travel through the tunnel. But there are many other things we can work on so we can be ready as soon as I hear from him. All three of you must work on strengthening your fighting skills, for you want to be prepared as possible. I can’t imagine you will return from this adventure without having to fight."

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