Saturday, 28 March 2015

Party Saturday

Today was S's birthday party with her friends. Her birthday was a few weeks ago but trying to get ice time for a skating party required us to wait a bit. And the party was a success (at least I think it was!). The kids had a blast skating - it was nice to have the ice all to ourselves. There were some first time skaters out there who did a really good job! It looked like all the kids were having fun. I didn't skate (my skating days are past, at least I think so) but I had a good time watching the kids and not being on the ice allowed me to get the party room set up.

After skating the kids were hungry! I had fruit, veggies, chips, pretzels, and cheetos for them. If we had pizza I think they would have eaten that too! And the cupcakes were a hit. Some of the kids liked them so much they had seconds, which was fine with me. Less to tempt me at home! The kids were pretty good about cleaning up and my friends pitched in and helped. I'm very grateful to them for the help!

S had a good time opening up her presents. I know it's always hard for kids to sit still and watch another child get lots of toys, but all in all, the kids were good. When presents were done I blew some bubbles for them and then read a story. Before I knew it our time was up and the party was over.

I am glad that birthday month is done! It's hard having two birthdays in the same month, just 12 days apart. For a few years I was able to combine both parties into one but J is getting too old to do that anymore although he was a great help at S's party. He took time to play hockey with the younger kids when they were on the ice and helped pass out things at the party. I know a few of the boys really liked it that a big kid was taking the time to pay attention to them.

Now we're back home and I'm exhausted. I thought about having a glass of wine but I'm afraid it would put me to sleep. I opted for some bubbly lemonade instead. We realized we needed to feed the kids supper since they probably would get hungry so C volunteered to go up to the golden arches place and pick up some food for them. I'm going to pass because their food often doesn't agree with me. I'll make myself a nice healthy sandwich or have a nap for supper. :-)

We were suppose to get some snow during the day today but it has decided to hold off until tonight. It actually won't bother me if we do get a little snow since it will cover up all the nasty brown snow on the roadsides. The melting continues which is making a mess of things - lots of mud, sloppy roads, and dirty cars. C took my car to the car wash this morning. He said it took three rounds of washing with the spray gun thing to get it clean. It was pretty damn dirty. It will get dirty again but at least I'm not afraid to touch my car for the moment.

C is back with supper for kids so I think I'll go try to steal some fries and then find something to keep me awake until bedtime. It was a good day but I am ready for bed!

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