Sunday, 22 March 2015

Mother Nature Makes Me Sad

I have decided that the local school board lives to make me sad. They have announced today that school will be closed tomorrow. The kids were off school all this past week for March Break. They were to go back to school tomorrow. Now they get an extra day of March Break. And it makes me sad because I have been waiting since before March Break to get in to see my stylist and now I've had to postpone my appointment. I know, it is a minor thing with all the crazy stuff that happens in the world, but I was looking forward to it. Now it is schedule for Thursday. Guess what is on the weather forecast for Thursday? Flurries and/or rain. Mother Nature makes me sad too.

She is making me sad right now. We started out overnight with rain - at least I think so. I was sleeping when it started. When I got up this morning it was a very wet snow and that has continued throughout the day. Since today's hockey games were canceled because of the weather we ventured out downtown for lunch. We were hoping that the restaurant we went to was going to have their usual Sunday music but they didn't. There was barely anyone in there today. I did try their curry and it was pretty good. They served it with a side of mushy peas which were surprisingly good. I will definitely order that again.

On our way back from lunch we passed through multiple white-out conditions. I haven't been that scared in a long time. We literally could not see more than a few feet in front of the car. It was difficult to tell where the road went or if there were any cars stopped ahead of us. Thankfully we made it home safe. Just an hour or two ago I saw that the police actually shut down our bridge because of too many accidents caused by the white-out conditions. I guess the white-outs are expected to continue tomorrow, which is why school is closed tomorrow. I am so effing sick of this winter. Where is spring?

Since hockey was canceled today, the hockey association decided to add some stress to what was suppose to be a low stress day. The only after-school activity scheduled for tomorrow was soccer. But because today's hockey was canceled, they have rescheduled it for tomorrow, 20 minutes after S finishes up soccer. So I will be spending my early evening running back and forth between the soccer field and the hockey rink. That is provided both activities aren't canceled due to weather. I'm not sure how long the wind/blowing snow is to continue into tomorrow. I love Mondays....really...I do...

On a happier note, I did finish Clue 5 of my Snow Queen shawl. It is getting really big - I'm up to 552 stitches in a round. I can't wait for it to be finished! S had to help me hold it flat so I could get a picture of one of the wedges. I love how the transitions from one colour to the next are coming along. I'm starting to move away from the blues and into the grays.

I've also gotten started on my There and Back Again story scarf. I've finally gotten the hang of the double-knitting and am slowly making progress. It's definitely not something I can work on while watching TV. I have another TV watching project that is much easier. This is what it looks like, through row 24 of the first chart.

It is definitely a long-term project but I am enjoying it. It is fun to see the story slowly appear as I complete each row. I plan on letting the kids have some video game time tomorrow morning so I can work on it in peace for a bit.

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