Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Why I am beginning to hate snow

Yesterday it was snowing when it was time for the kids to leave for school. They trudged out to the bus stop in the snow, got on the bus, and life was good. The bus was able to get them home just fine and J was able to get to hockey just fine. Just a normal day but with snow.

Last night it snowed a bit more, but it was still a manageable amount. Our driveway people came this morning and cleared the driveway this morning, shredding their driveway marker in the process. I have to say, I adore our driveway people. They come and clear almost all the snow from our driveway. I say almost because there's an overhang that blocks them from getting right up to the garage doors. So we have a little shoveling to do, but at least it's not an entire two car driveway. That is why I adore them. No one likes shoveling, do they?

It is very noisy when they clear the driveway, especially when the giant snowthrower is chewing up a wooden stake, so it woke me up around 5:45 am. I checked the school's website then and it said school was a go. Excellent! I went back to sleep for 30 minutes until the alarm went off at 6:15. Knowing our school system, I decided to check their website again. Sure enough, in that 30 minutes they decided to delay school for an hour with an update at 8:00 am. Okay, that's not so bad - school is still a go. I went back to sleep until 7:15 because there was no reason to be up at 6:15 anymore.

I heard the kids get up around 7, so I got up too. We started our normal school day routine, much to J's chagrin. He had just turned on the TV, thinking there was no school today. Ha! Silly boy. I made breakfast for both kids and while they were eating I started making their lunches. And life was good...until C came into the room and announced that school was closed today. I told him his joke was not funny in any way, shape, or form. He then showed me the school's website. Sure enough, shortly before 7:30 they decided to close schools for the day.

Ah school board, you are cruel. To make me think the kids were going to school and I was going to have a day to sit and write only to snatch it away from me. I still didn't believe C and had to check 3 different websites to confirm that yes, for some reason, they had closed school. What could that reason be? Where we live it was bright and sunny. Yes, it was windy and there was some blowing snow, but it wasn't THAT bad. The kids should have been able to get to school.

It wasn't until later when we decided to go out for lunch that I realized they probably made the right call. While it wasn't so bad here, in other places the blowing snow was really bad and caused white-out conditions. It would have been dangerous for the kids that travel in from the country since the roads between the farms were bad. Open fields plus high winds plus light fluffy snow equals white-out conditions. Ah well, they made the right call but those of us in the more urban/suburban areas still questioned the decision.

And now there is more snow in the forecast for tonight/tomorrow. It is suppose to start around midnight and go until noonish. They are only calling for 2-4 cm of snow, and they are usually pretty accurate in their predictions, but you never know what cruel trick the storm will pull. At this point I have no clue whether the kids will have school or not. They had school Monday in a snow storm and no school today when it was bright and sunny. I guess I will have to drag myself out of bed at 6:15 and check the website every 15 minutes from then on to see what their decision is. So, I may get writing time tomorrow and then again I may not. Either way, I am really beginning to hate the snow!

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