We started out at the tube snow slide. S was a bit nervous because the slide was bigger than it was last year so she went down with C, while J went down by himself. I rode the tube slide a few times. The first time I went down what I called the crazy run - it felt like I was being pushed off a cliff at the top which led to a fast and fun ride. J decided to try that one and loved it. By the end of our time there S worked up the courage to go down the slide by herself and enjoyed it.
In addition to the tube snow slide there were lots of ice slides. Most of them were straight or had a few wiggles in them. The favourite seemed to be the slide that was shaped like a U. I went down that one and it was a fast ride. I lost track of the number of times S and J rode that one. J also did the saucer run but that wasn't as fun because most of the saucer sleds were cracked/broken so it didn't make for a good ride. Last year the saucers were in much better condition.
C took S skating on the outdoor rink while J did the tube slide and played ball hockey. We stopped by the rink a few times and S is doing awesome with her skating (she just learned this winter). She was excited to be on a big outdoor rink like that. The kids also had fun going into the very large igloo that was built on the site. Throughout our roaming around we ran into lots of people we knew. One of the perks of living in a small place - you see lots of people you know.
We ended our morning at the festival with trying Beaver Tails for the first time. It is fried dough in the shape of a beaver's tail. C and J went for chocolate-hazelnut with bananas while S just had the chocolate-hazelnut. I tried the maple topping with chocolate drizzle. All in all, I approve of Beaver Tails - seriously, what is not to like? Having a treat like that made it easier for the kids to leave the festival.
Once home the kids (C included) played their favourite game - MineCraft. Now that J has realized it's more fun to play video games with his sister, they play a lot of MineCraft. S has gotten very good at building things, which is no surprise to me. She has a talent for drawing structures and building with blocks/Lego so she has taken to MineCraft like a fish to water. I would not be surprised if one day she becomes an engineer or an architect.
Now the boys are just finishing up hockey while we girls stayed home and vegged on the sofa. S wanted to watch a bunch of episodes of the Imagination Movers so I was able to nap for about 20 minutes at a time (I had to wake up enough to start another episode from the OnDemand menu). Speaking of the Movers, I will admit I am a little jealous of my neighbour. She went to Starbucks after her yoga class the morning and who did she run into but Dave from the Movers. She had some money stolen from her at yoga (bad thief!) and Dave was going to buy her coffee if she couldn't get her app to work (she did). She said he was really friendly and nice. How cool is that?
Tomorrow is suppose to be snowy but I'm hoping the kids will have school, although I wouldn't mind if their after school activities got canceled. Mondays are always crazy, getting them to their activities on time. I can hope, right?
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