I will write about my knitting tonight. I finished clue 4 for my Snow Queen shawl. I am up to 480 stitches in a round. Yeah, it's getting big! It's definitely too big to get a picture of the whole thing, so here's one wedge.
I'm glad I had a chance to finish it while I was imagining myself sitting on a warm, tropical beach that is not covered in snow. Now that the clue is finished, my next project is the scarf based on The Hobbit. The scarf will be made with these two skeins of yarn:

I wasn't sure about the colours at first but C told me that the original cover of The Hobbit was in those colours, so that's probably why the designer chose them. The yarn is so soft and squishy - it is a blend of merino and silk. It will make a warm scarf - probably too warm for the warm, tropical beach I am imagining myself on. I was planning on starting it tonight but C and I have two episodes of The Walking Dead to watch and I want to be able to focus on that. Plus, I am feeling tired this evening and being tired plus working on something complicated never works out well for me. I will work on my easy shawl/scarf project and save casting on the Hobbit scarf for tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the official start to the kids' March Break. They don't call it spring break up here because spring usually isn't anywhere close to arriving. Considering there is an effing blizzard going on outside, and the potential for two more storms this week, it should make this week a challenge. It will be a busy week. J has a party Monday evening, hockey camp Tuesday through Thursday, practice with his team Tuesday and Wednesday, and then playoff games Friday, Saturday, and possibly Sunday. I swear he's going to be busier during his break than when he has school. S doesn't have soccer or her girl scouts this week, so that makes it a little easier on me. I'll be trying to set up some playdates for her as well as getting her to see Cinderella. She's been begging to see it but so far hockey and parties and effing blizzards are getting in the way.
I was just looking at the yarn for the Hobbit scarf again and thinking that the green reminds me of the lush green grass of summer and the yellow definitely reminds me of warm summer days. Maybe I will cast on the scarf tonight and remember how beautiful it is around here in the summer time.
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