Sunday, 8 March 2015

Single Mom Sunday

I want to begin today's blog by sending out a big eff you to Daylight Savings Time. Why yes, my kids got up an hour later (according to the clock) but to their little bodies it was the same time they usually get up. And now, according to the clock, it will soon be their bedtime. But their bodies are like WTF Mom? It's not time for bed. But they need to go to bed according to the clock time because they have to get up for school tomorrow and it will feel like 5:15 to all of us. And they looked at me like I was crazy when I told them it was suppertime earlier and it was still daylight out. So yeah, eff you DST. I doubt there is any parent out there who is happy about the time change.

Second thing - to all the single parents out there - you have my respect! I don't know how you do it day in and day out. I've entered the realm of single parenthood for the next 4 days since C has gone on a business trip. And like most of his business trips, something always seems to happen at home when he's gone. Last time it was me having a raging sinus infection that made it damn near impossible to function. This time J decided he needed to be the sick one.

He woke up this morning and said his stomach hurt. In probably too much detail he told us about his stomach (I won't do that to you). He barely ate any breakfast so I know he wasn't just playing around. The boy loves food and for him to not eat means that something is wrong. We drove C to the airport and along the way J said he felt like he was going to throw-up. Joy! Thankfully I have taken to keeping plastic grocery bags in the pockets of the seats for this very reason. There was a messy incident after Christmas...again, I won't gross you with details. Sure enough, he needed the bag.

We managed to make it to the airport and back with only the one incident but that was enough. He said his stomach was still feeling funny when it was time to leave for hockey so we decided to skip it today. If the game had just been at the local rink 15 minutes down the road I probably would have made him go. But today's game was 1 1/2 hours away and I don't know if you've been in a car with a sick kid before but it is Not Fun. So yeah, we skipped hockey. J ate some supper tonight and seems okay so he should be fine for tomorrow's game.

This week shouldn't be too bad. The weather gods have decided to be kind and not send us any serious snow this week so the kids will be going to school all week! There is a chance of flurries tomorrow evening of course. It's soccer night so that means it needs to either be raining and/or snowing. But they aren't calling for any accumulation so we should be fine. And temperature wise it's suppose to be mild (just below freezing). I'd like to thank the weather gods for the nice weather this week.

I'm sure we'll run into some bumps this week but all in all it should be a decent week. I'll keep thinking that way and maybe it will happen!

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